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Sir Graham Balfour School

A member of Insight Multi-Academy Trust

Student Voice

School Council

Each Form Group elects a representative for the Year Group Council.  The Year Group Council meet every half-term with the Year Head and each representative brings ideas and opinions from their Form Group to the meeting.  

Two representatives are elected by the students on each Year Group Council to attend School Council as Year Group representatives.

The roles of the members of School Council include:

  • To discuss any issues raised by students with Miss Marshall (Asst Headteacher).
  • To act as a consultative group for school developments.
  • To take part in senior staffing appointments.
  • To help organize fundraising events for the school.
  • To support school community events

Members of the Year Group Councils and School Council are recognised by the badges they wear.  There is also a list of their names displayed on the School Council notice boards.

Students who would like to become involved in School Council should speak to their Form Tutor or Miss Marshall about representing their Form Group/ Year Group.


House Captains

At the start of every Year House Heads will invite applications to become a House Captain.  Every House has two Captains appointed in each Year Group.  House Captains support School Council to run competitions and promote a culture of celebration and competition within their House. 

House Captain role:

-Support in the organising of teams and competitions

-Support School Council with fundraising

-Support the Year Head with celebration assemblies

-Promote success, House news and competitions within the House

-Maintain/ update the House noticeboard


For more information on becoming a House Captain please see your House Head:

Chetwynd- Mr Martin 

Tixall- Mrs Cooper

Sandon- Mrs Tinsley

Weston- Miss Simmons

Shugborough- Miss Winwood



Sir Graham Balfour School
North Avenue
ST16 1NR

For Sat Nav directions:

ST16 1NJ


01785 223490
